Tuesday 29 November 2011

Snow globes

We had a day off last Friday so we made some snow globes...

It was super easy and the kids loved it.
1. Clean and wash jam jars.
2.Superglue plastic figures/toys to the underside of jam jar lid.

3. Wait for glue to dry. Here's molly picking out glitter while waiting.

We recommend eating cinnamon buns while waiting ; )

4. Mix one teaspoon of glycerin with a jar of water.

5. Add some glitter.

6. Screw the lid on and add some tape to seal the jar.

7. Watch it snow : )

Preparations for December!

Alfie picked out our tree for the courtyard from the christmas trees we have by the strawberry patch.
There are only a few smallish ones left now but I planted 3 saplings last year....

The pipe which the tree sits in had been predictably filled up with sticks and stones!

Ta dah, the tree looks very pretty now with lights on, photo of that will follow!
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