Sunday 28 August 2011


I'm back on the blog, we've had a few technical difficulties including summer holidays without the camera but I'm going to try and make up for it now!

This was taken today, we went for a bike ride down the the fjord.

Alfie eating an apple...

Here's molly with the first pumpkin harvest, check out the gigantic cinderella one : ) There are lots of eatable pumbkins too including hokaido and blue hubbard varieties. Christian says there are lots and lots to come so that's good. Our main crops this year have been potatoes and pumpkins, we're going to try and sell some of the pumpkins...

Molly in one of the apple trees, it's a great tree for climbing. The apples aren't quite ripe yet but she does like to keep checking them.

On Saturday we went to great grandma's birthday party, very nice!

Updates on out trips over the summer to england, west coast of DK and the polar bears coming soon!

p.s. Any ideas how to turn pictures around? : )

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Is this thing on? Testing 1...2...3