Monday 17 August 2009

Plum crumble

We've 2 different types of plums in the garden at the min (and lots of pretty flowers!).  Here's a recipie for a yummy crumble you can eat warm or cold with creme fraiche or ice cream...
3/4 handfuls of plums
Wash the plums and take the stones out.  Place in a greased oven proof dish and sprinkle a little bit of sugar over, bake in the oven for 10 mins at 175 degrees.
100g sugar
100g butter
100g flour
100g chopped almonds
Rub these ingredients together and sprinkle over the plums.  Bake for about half an hour until golden and bubbling.

Enjoy : )
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Wednesday 12 August 2009

The weekend..

We were at the summerhouse again this weekend...

with a big fishing net.....

we caught lots of prawns (enough for lunch, dinner and the freezer!) and other sea life which we put back in the sea : )

In other news.... Grandad left today after a lovely two weeks, he's back home now for a well deserved rest.  Molly is standing up all the time and has just started day care.  Alfie is saying lots of Danish words.  Christian is moving alot of windows at work and is leaving den gamle by (a beamish type museum in Ã…rhus) and starting closer to home soon.  I'm starting back at work in 2 weeks and (drum roll please)as I write both kiddies are sleeping at 7.30pm  (I can't remember the last time this happened!) .
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Wednesday 5 August 2009

Molly's party cont.

We put bunting up all the over! Very easy to make with triangles, rectangles and strips of fabric sewn with a zig zag stitch onto bias binding. I just left the edges of the fabric raw without hemmimg or anything and it worked fine.
We have our own little table outside the farm where we sell potatoes, beetroot, marrows and whatever else we have in abundance.

Beetroot, red onion, goats cheese tart, tomato and cheese quiche, pesto potato salad, home baked bread.  We used all out own produce which was great as we have loads of veg at the min!

Ingelise made a lovely fish cake with salmon and prawns.

Even more bunting in the tent!
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Molly's party cont.

Molly got some great prezzies, we game Alfie and Molly a personalized bowl and cup, Alfie's with a tractor and Molly's with a fairy.  Molly also got a doll and doll's pram, a necklace, cutlery and money for a  new car seat.

Aunt Hanne got Molly a stawberry hat.

This is great gran's muffin we saved for her. I forgot to take a photo of all the fairy cakes with different pics of Molly on, they looked great and tasted fab.  Aunty Lotte made them, white chocolate and coconut mmm.

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Molly's party

On Saturday,we had a name giving party for Molly Millie.

This was her cake, strawberry, cream, meringue and sponge, mmmmm.

We also had the chocolate fountain out, it was a big hit!

We had a party tent up in the garden. We were 26 people in total and we had a lovely day.  Granny, Aunty Viki and grandad came over from uk too : )
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