Tuesday 23 June 2009

After the weekend...

We left for our camping trip on Friday afternoon and drove through a thunderstorm for THREE hours! Which is a very long time for a 7 month old and 2 1/2 year old! When we got there and found the campsite, we couldn't get the electricity to work in caravan or gas so we had rugbrød (a danish rye bread) for tea.  By 10pm NOBODY was asleep! Oh dear it wasn't an ideal start to the weekend. We had an early start on sat around 6am and decided after a walk around and everybody had had an early morning nap Christian could go surfing.  However he soon discovered he had forgotten his wetsuit, Blimey we thought let's be off! So we drove to Farfar and Farmor's summerhouse where they were with Faster Lotte, Jonas og Johannes.  Wow that was really nice, Farfar and Farmor made us dinner, Alfie played with Johannes and we could chill out, heavenly! We had a nice day on Sunday playing by the sea and in the garden. 

In keeping with the theme of the camping trip, the camera ran out of battery so no photos of the weekend!

Just gratuitous pictures of the kiddiwinks in the garden from last week ; )

Alfie had just woken up so he was still a bit sleepy.

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Thursday 18 June 2009

Arty Crafty

We've had the finger paints out!

We made.... 
*wrapping paper by printing on a brown roll of paper ( ikea's best! ) 
*greetings cards by cutting up pictures and putting in a ready made card frame (from the bookshop/stationery shop)
*pieces of modern art - freestyle painting on shop bought canvases (from søstre grene/art shops)

We're off on a little camping trip tomorrow.  We're heading to the sea side in the north of denmark where there should be surf for daddy, sand for alfie, sea air for mummy and molly.
Happy weekend : )
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Monday 15 June 2009


We're back from England now..
Back to the clutter inside and overgrown outside! ; ) We've had a packed weekend, trying to get back to a normality.  Christian built a new wall around the front door, just need to plaster a little bit and paper the wall. This should solve a damp problem in there. We also went to the local fete and have moved wardrobes around!
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